Specialties and Treatment


Our teeth are very sensitive despite being hard structures. They are connected to the mucous membrane inside the mouth and embedded firmly in the jaw structure. Their role is varied - from chewing and grinding food which is important for digestion to pronunciation of words for lucidity in speech. They also carry aesthetic value and enhance one’s beauty and appeal. Along with the gums, teeth need to be taken care of properly for optimum oral health. If dental hygiene is not maintained it affects other physical processes. It also makes one’s appearance unpleasant. Toothaches are a common problem and are easily solved by daily brushing. As a general guide, cleansing habit in the morning is a great way to keep them from decaying.

Dental care involves many aspects like oral hygiene as well as food consumption patterns. There are several dental therapies for curing and preventing oral complications. Quantum Dental Care offers a range of special dental treatments for adults and children in 13 different categories. A primary routine visit comprises of:

  1. Checking current condition of the teeth and gums.
  2. Is the mouth structure normal?
  3. Oral hygiene related to patient’s other medical conditions like lifestyle diseases, diabetes or chronic ailments.
  4. An examination is done to check all parameters related to overall health.
  5. Tooth decay or cavity signals need for dental fillings.

General Dentistry

In your entire life, visiting the general physician and dentist keeps you safe from serious and chronic ailments. Quantum Dental Care is a specialty clinic trusted by several patients in Chennai. We believe that nearly 65% of all procedures we do under general dentistry are diagnostic and preventive in nature. Oral health is paramount and we take our job seriously.

Main aspect of general dentistry

General dental services cover diagnosis, root canal procedures, health of gums, veneers, crowns & bridges and fillings for cavities. We educate our patients to prevent/control any diseases that may occur due to neglect of oral hygiene.

QDC is popular for regular dental health check ups at affordable costs.

Cosmetic Dentistry

First impressions last longer than any other memories. Everywhere in the world, cosmetic dentistry is popular for this reason. Whether it is a celebrity or a normal patient at Quantum Dental Care, we ensure that our patients are able to impress people they meet- naturally with a beautiful and healthy smile. We don’t keep secrets, so here is what we do as part of this special treatment in our spacious facility. With expert consultations the possibilities we offer are:

Teeth whitening - A prior consultation helps us to decide which treatments will be suitable for individual patients. Keeping in mind your preferences and objectives of whitening we have a combination of home remedies and dental procedures in the clinic.

Fixing MALALIGNED teeth or bridging gaps - New technology has replaced ugly braces. It is also easy to fix crooked teeth in a gentler manner. Misaligned teeth often are treated with an Invisalign procedure. If a tooth is missing or chipped it can still be fixed.

Dental Implants – We determine if you are the right candidate for dental implants. The latest TECHNOLOGIES ARE used to give a proper mouth structure after installing the implants

Dental Implants - Computer guided and unguided

When you require a tooth replacement, it is done through dental implants. With the help of computers, a dentist is able to accurately detect the dental implant. It is one of the most advanced procedures used in our clinic. It is very important that the implant is placed in the exact location. Traditionally, diagnostic casts were used to determine the position of the implant. An entire panoramic or periapical radiographs were taken. Sometimes tomo-graphic facial slices were taken as historic systems. This was all before cone-beams were introduced and generally had a good success rate.

A specialist now uses computer aid. The process begins with taking an impression of the teeth. A radiographic image is created to determine the implant location. We have computers with specific software that guides the dentist to do the following:

  1. Integrate X-rays
  2. Take intro-oral images
  3. Digital images with impressions as per the program on the computer
  4. A cone beam imaging system is used
  5. After consultation we give the treatment plan which involves 2-3 months

This is known as computer guided implant surgery. The cone beam correlates the bone, tooth position, cavities and nerves. An accurate size of the implant is chosen with these parameters. We recommened this procedure to:

  • Reduce errors in making mistakes
  • Wound is less and so is the pain
  • Teeth look natural

Computer-aided surgery techniques are suggested for achieving a precise implant position. With the support of CBCT, digitalization and rapid prototyping engineering a surgical stent that satisfies all the requirements of a prosthetically driven implants WHICH ARE THE IMPLANTS OF MOST PROVEN SUCCESS RATE AND IS BEING USED IN QDC

Veneers – Porcelain Veneers is a popular option of cosmetic dentistry. Patients come to us with chipped, broken, colored teeth. As veneers are similar to the actual enamel they are the perfect foil.

QDC delivers the most natural processes to bring a smile on the face.

Root Canal Treatment

What can you expect from a root canal treatment (RCT) at our clinic? We explain the procedure to remove the fear of pain and the cost factor. It is also called endodontic therapy in dental circles. When the tooth gets infected it is susceptible to decay, and pain. Doing a RCT eliminates possible infections in other teeth and improves overall health. The tooth pulp is a sensitive area where this treatment is done. Instead of removing the painful tooth which may be fine or even replaced by crown or a bridge, this procedure is recommended by experienced and reliable dentists. It relieves the pain and is cost-effective.

A root canal is actually a part of the tooth and not treatment per se. This section has nerve ends (the pain often emerges here), blood vessels and a pulpy area. It is called endodontic as it refers to ‘inside of the tooth.’ What do we do to relieve the pain?

  1. Clean the tooth area- the infected area of the pulp is removed with a small hole made in the crown of the tooth.
  2. The next step is to cement it to prevent repeated infection. The nerve tissue is removed and there is no pain thereafter.
  4. Putting a crown to help tooth remain stable. A tooth becomes week after RCT. Hence, a protective layer is required. A patient cannot shew or bite unless this procedure is complete.

Normally RCT is done in a single sitting. Curved canals or multi-canals may require more time. If the infection is larger an additional sitting is recommended.

QDC offers the best specialists to have pain-free RCT.


There is no one single formula or treatment that produces the perfect smile. A dentist offers several options to smile and have healthy teeth. In fact, orthodontics is an art that is skillfully managed by experienced professionals in our clinic. We also take into account the personality of the patient to determine which dental procedures are safe.

Today, technology has helped people to bear braces with a better smile. They are more comfortable for young adults and even children. Putting braces is important to straighten the teeth. Often preventive measures work along with dental hygiene. As experienced orthodontists we recommend:

  • Dental hygiene to maintain overall health when braces are on.
  • New braces are made more comfortable with warm water salt rinse. It helps gums to remain clean.
  • We suggest application of soft orthodontic wax. It acts as a barrier compared to metallic braces.
  • We advise patients to eat soft foods that will not cause pain while treatment is in progress.
  • The pain is reduced with application of oral gel. In some cases, ice works well.
  • Drink ice water to reduce pain.
  • Gum massage in circular motion is useful.
  • Have patience till teeth are straightened.

Quantum Dental Clinic has a customized approach for each individual to correct teeth with expertise.


As times have changed so have the dental treatments. Currently, invisalign is one of the popular trends which is replacing metal braces. This is considered as an orthodontic treatment for teeth straightening. They can be customized according to individual patients. Price is a huge factor when it comes to this treatment. How they help people to transform their lives?

  • Invisaligns do not interrupt regular eating
  • They do not affect outdoor activities like sports
  • No chances of wires breaking
  • Virtually invisible so visitors may not notice them quickly
  • You do not look ugly when the mouth is opened
  • You are able to have a healthy routine

Come to QDC and we ensure that there is no bad breath associated with this treatment.

Child Dentistry

Children are more likely to develop scare of dentists as their mouth structure keeps evolving during formative years. But we have taken special care to ensure that our young patients smile through and have no problems. Pediatric dentistry is special and we have years of experience to handle several oral problems related to children. As the child turns two, brushing should become a morning routine. As teeth erupt, a visit to the dentist ensures the child will have a healthy set. Most children get cavities as they love sugary foods. Hence, it is recommended that parents keep a check on eating habits. Children should rinse their mouth, floss and brush their teeth after eating chocolates or fizzy drinks.

You may need to get the child to our clinic if:

  • He/she is still sucking the thumb after the age of 4 years
  • Having teething problems, tongue thrusting or lip sucking
  • Not having proper nutrition
  • Having gaps in teeth. We put sealants to bridge the gaps
  • Not brushing teeth regularly after meals

At home the children should have a balanced diet and avoid too much of biscuits, candies, soft drinks and sweets.

QDC have specialists and staff to care for sensitive children.

Gum Surgeries and health

Advanced stages of bad hygiene results in very bad breath, gingivitis or periodontitis. Only when the dentist counsels, you may have to undergo gum surgery. It is done for:

  • Reducing black triangles or gaps in between teeth and gums
  • Helping bone growth and tissues that support teeth
  • Avoiding tooth loss
  • Re-structuring jaw bone
  • Lowering risks of infections in crevices of the bones
  • Eliminating bacterial infections

Surgical treatment is required when the case is very bad. The treatments include flap surgery, bone grafting, tissue regeneration, tissue grafting. With new trends laser grafting and tissue stimulating proteins are also being used.

The main symptoms include:

  • Redness, bleeding or swollen gums- this is due to poor oral healthcare
  • Plaque/tartar buildup for months which destroys bones and tissues
  • Only professional and systematic treatment can reverse the condition
  • We discuss all risks with patients before the treatment begins.

QDC has the best technology and reliable dentists to perform such sensitive procedures.

BPS Dentures, Complete/Partial Dentures

After a certain age, dentures are the most natural way to keep smiling and live happily. Biofunctional Prosthetic System (BPS) dentures is considered new era in dentistry. It helps people to continue having a normal life. This system improves the mastication with special focus on oral mucous membrane. The patient can speak normally, eat without problems and function naturally. This procedure requires an accomplished dentist and dental technician to help patients achieve their objectives. They are also different from the normal denture sets. The partial dentures can be clasped with natural teeth. They bridge the gap between the gums with artificial teeth. We use gingiva-colored resin to do this treatment. Combination dentures can be fixed or removed. We use crowns & bridges, clasps and studs to finalize the look. Hybrid dentures are used when RTC is done. They are used for cementing the tooth. They serve as anchors for removable dentures.

We offer the following in our clinic:

  • BPS that matches your natural teeth shape
  • They do not discolor like regular dentures which create plaque
  • BPS ensures that the teeth remain white or have the same shade of the individual natural enamel
  • The dental technician takes maximum impressions of the patient’s jaw for analysis
  • We offer partial and complete dentures depending on the requirement
  • We give a denture box and a care guide to keep them clean when they are not in the mouth

QDC ensures that BPS is done with high quality fabrication and procedures

QDC offers satisfied results with this procedure.

Smile Designing

There is no obsession to have a pretty smile in this era of selfies. Not only celebrities but also normal people are into smile designing. IN Chennai, Quantum Dental Clinic offers this new age dentistry for fabulous facial smile recognition. A smile design is a new dental procedure. It is done to create an artistically straight smile. It also has the ability to restore the teeth balance and make one appear more pleasing. Its core benefits are:

  1. The facial curves are revitalized naturally. They are better than botox procedures.
  2. It is a number one investment a public person can make.
  3. Aging process results in discoloration, chipped teeth and missing gaps in gums. Thus smile enhancement is important.
  4. The procedure can be customized to individual needs.
  5. It tries to eliminate dental problems.

As you can see the benefits, we offer the service with objectives. These include:

  1. Taking care of medical history during the initial dental check up.
  2. The arrangement of teeth is discussed with photos to create the right impression.
  3. As no two cases are the same, we recommend distinctive treatments.
  4. Some designs may require porcelain veneers.
  5. Missing teeth in anterior region require implants.
  6. Gum lift is done with laser technique.
  7. Wherever whitening is required, it is done.

QDC ensures that a smile design is able to make patients look younger.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

A full mouth rehabilitation is generally required when a patient undergoes trauma, accident or injury that disfigures the teeth and the mouth. This procedure is done for a complete reconstruction if the patient has multiple missing teeth, decay and cavity issues in most teeth and worn out teeth due to bruxism (grinding). In extreme cases, even oral cancer requires a reconstruction procedure. It involves:

  1. Inlays/onlays
  2. Crowns & bridges
  3. Implants
  4. Veneers
  5. Applications of dentures

This procedure helps in efficiently chewing for patients. They can talk and also smile properly. A prosthodontist consultation is required before doing any treatment. This procedure is also called oral rehabilitation. It takes care of comfort, appearance, maxillofacial tissues. This section is a speicla division of dentistry. It involves advanced processes relating to:

  • Restorative dentistry
  • Implant Prosthodontics
  • Endodontics
  • Removal Prosthodontics

Patients with special care needs are treated by experienced dental surgeons in QDC.


This is one of the most critical disciplines of dentistry. Just like other areas of medical field dentistry also now depends on emerging technologies to help patients. It helps technicians and the working staff in labs to do their best. CAD refers to various designs in dental procedures which involve fixtures and crowns. CAM is utilized to fabricate the products. It uses complex functions to get 3 D scans, object fabrication. Where is it most useful for the treatments used by Quantum dental Clinic?

  1. Design and construction of implants
  2. Abutments
  3. Veneers
  4. Fixed dentures
  5. Restoration of full mouth
  6. Orthodontics

Any advanced dental clinic requires CAD/CAM functions to offer the best services to patients. It is additionally beneficial for:

  1. Have natural appearance as ceramic enamels are closest to real teeth.
  2. Measurements are accurate with CAD/CAM.
  3. With milling machines restoration can be done the same day.
  4. Digital scans are convenient, cost effective and time saving.
  5. They eliminate the need for wax, firing and casting.
  6. Good dental sealing ensures that the patient does not get any discomfort after the treatment.
  7. Dentists are able to create the right position for the implants.

QDC offers the best treatment with cost effective procedures.

Crowns & Bridges

A crown is put on a tooth that needs to be capped. It is due to chipping, discoloration or cracked. A tooth in which the fillings are lost is also ideal for crown placement. There are three types, ceramic, resin or golden that are used as part of the treatment. When teeth are worn out they may change color and require a crown. A missing tooth can be embarrassing. Now dentists use bridges to fill the gaps so the patient does not feel awkward when the mouth is open. A dental bridge is also called a Pontic or a false tooth. It is supported by abutment by the teeth nearby. While some patients like gold structured ones, the porcelain ones are now the natural choice. They blend with the rest of the natural teeth.

Bridges are of 4 types;

  • Conventional
  • Cantilever
  • Supported by implants
  • Framework of porcelain

QDC offers several variables for fitting crowns and bridges which are suitable to the patient’s budget. The price factor is dependent on:

  • Number of teeth that require C & B procedures
  • Composite materials used like metal alloy with resin covering, zirconia, resin.
  • Complexity in the placement
  • Handling additional issues like gum diseases or broken tooth
  • Choice between a dental implant and bridge

QDC helps patients to restore their smiles, improve speech, facial shape, efficient chewing and correct positioning.